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PostPosted: Thu 23:39, 25 May 2006    Post subject:

If i were the adm his forum would still be working
"to bad that the admin are so much better than me and they are doin' such a fine jod"(sarcasm)

Nachos for admin
cRaZy JaKoB
PostPosted: Sat 23:48, 29 Apr 2006    Post subject:

define it in any way, so the thread is longer ;P
now yes i agree, we should list 2 types of "cleverness"(difficult to find well fitting word though): in lyrics and in music

i can have fun with absolutely any kind of music. i can go to disco, "dance" to techno, even though its not ma music and have a great fun

about listening, nope. i wouldnt stand for long. maybe 3 minutes of some techno hit on my mp3, and then or i kill myself or my mp3 suicides ;P lol
PostPosted: Sat 17:44, 29 Apr 2006    Post subject:


it depends on the person
if a person is looking for meaning in the music it matters
if a person wants just to have fun he can even listen to techno

there are some songs that are smart in different aspects. For example u cant say that mozart's music isn't smart but most of his staff doesnt have lyrics. It depends on how u define the word smart
cRaZy JaKoB
PostPosted: Sat 12:37, 29 Apr 2006    Post subject:

if not, why
PostPosted: Sat 7:54, 29 Apr 2006    Post subject:

cRaZy JaKoB
PostPosted: Fri 21:05, 28 Apr 2006    Post subject: clever music? yes/no

does the music have to be ambitious, smart and clever? if yes, why? if not, why not?

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