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PostPosted: Mon 0:03, 26 Feb 2007    Post subject:

Pretty teen with nice shaved pussy showing pissing skills
PostPosted: Fri 4:38, 12 Jan 2007    Post subject:

PostPosted: Mon 20:23, 24 Apr 2006    Post subject:

Fuck Bush!!! Razz Laughing Cool
PostPosted: Sun 23:04, 23 Apr 2006    Post subject:

PostPosted: Sun 22:53, 23 Apr 2006    Post subject:

cRaZy JaKoB
PostPosted: Wed 12:38, 15 Mar 2006    Post subject:

im not sayin its only for good, im sayin that there are positives also, not only elic sides as many people now think

israeli issue is another problem worth to spend some time on it.. thats why il create new thread
PostPosted: Tue 20:54, 14 Mar 2006    Post subject:

maybe its 4 good but we'll see that in 10 years time..although in israel terrorism has been going on for 50 years non-stop and there is no indication that it'll stop
cRaZy JaKoB
PostPosted: Mon 23:29, 13 Mar 2006    Post subject:

maybe ull consider me as a ignorant person.. (although to be honest with u i dont give shit) but i think these wars in iraq and afghanistan, have their positive sides - america didnt start all this bullshit, 9/11 was a beginning, at the same day (or the next day) i ve seen all those talibans dancing around burnin americas flag - that was just too much (i would fuckin look for kalashinikov and go ther kick their asses), if usa wouldnt react. they would simply loose all the respect as a superpower they have. so there is a point in war in afghanistan, to show world, especially the terrorists that they cannot do whatever they want! blackadder, u said that most propably benladen is faraway from his homeland, well there are some proofs, like those videotapes wid his speeches - that actually at that particular time he was in this particular place. and i really doubt if he travels a lot, because he is quite recognizable person.. sorta say celebrity Cool, imo he has to be somewhere around afganistan or other blahblah~stans

concernin war in iraq, as i said before it s good that saddam husseins ass was finally kicked. it s good that iraq tries to become (moreorless) democratic country, it s good that those people are under control of government - not dictator who might gas them in whatever moment he feel likes. one of u said that this war brought more bad than good to iraqi citizens - i would doubt it! and i do! ok they have all those terrorist fuckin attacks, ok.. but this problem will not go on and on, it has to finish somehow sometime - i believe america will not act like cowards again they simply cant. no matter how long they will stay there, they ve gotta kick terror outa ther, otheriwise whole world will a. loose respect to US.. and later not only respect.. but like i was saying this problem will eventually stop - if none would kick saddam hussein's his family and close friends ass, this dictatorship would stay for hundreads of years and would make much more worse things to iraq (and the rest of the world) than it ll ever make
PostPosted: Mon 18:53, 13 Mar 2006    Post subject:

its also gun factories-america produces a lot of weapons and military technology.if they don't go to war that money that they give for the military will go without a cause...same thing with the war against afganistan-they didn't get bin laden simply cuz he was probably on a caribean island enjoying the morning breeze-i mean he isn't an idiot to stay and hide in afganistan,so it seems like a pointless war.
actually it has to do with the economy-simply put every war in modern history has an economic reason behind it-think about it...the americans build new weapons for billions of dollars,then there is a terrorist attack..they have a perfect reason for declaring war although they bomb the cities were they kill innocent people..that is their interest,they won't go to war if they can't make profit from it....
PostPosted: Mon 18:23, 13 Mar 2006    Post subject:

most people in the world hate bush, but they don't even know why they do it... other people love him, becuase those people see him as some kind of hero... dubyah is a bit of a retard as a person in my opinion...

about the war, i'm gonna have to go with the oil theory, and how bush wanted the oil in iraq, but like jakob said,. that cannot be the only reason... I believe in war, there is one primary reason, but it brings a lot of benefits along with it, which could be very well mistaken for a motive... you can see it in all wars through history...
PostPosted: Mon 17:49, 13 Mar 2006    Post subject:

bush: fucking moron..
america: fucking shit country ; )
PostPosted: Sun 20:29, 12 Mar 2006    Post subject:

it started cuz bush wanted to get iraq's oil and he used sadam as a reason to attack.sadam wasn't that bad when you look at it-before usa started the war it was a peaceful country now thousands of innocent people have died because of "democracy"..bush's democracy is in a way dictatorship..he became president with a lie and he does whatever he wants...i don't hate him but i don't like him-i simply don't care about what he does as long as it doesn't affect me..
the only thing that the war in iraq brought was instability and terror...
cRaZy JaKoB
PostPosted: Sun 20:10, 12 Mar 2006    Post subject:

How do you think why did it started?
becuz saddam hussein is a dick, and that was a rite time to kick his ass.. maybe becuz of this oil business, but for sure that couldnt be the only thing. u see it is difficult for us to say why war started.
thats why for me is cynical when ppl express their "great" opinions concerning this issue, while they dont know shit about politics, and the rules of it
none of us know who why where get what from it, and i dont think we ll know it soon. besides usa is the biggest superpower in the world now days, therefore it shall not be too friendly and peaceful bucuz its not gonna be empire for long

What is your opinion about Bush?
average president, average politician - as any other. i mean no sympathy no antipathy

Did it bring any good?
there is one good for sure - no saddam hussein
PostPosted: Sun 16:39, 12 Mar 2006    Post subject: Why did the war in Iraq started?

How do you think why did it started?
What is your opinion about Bush?
Did it bring any good?

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