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PostPosted: Tue 15:17, 27 Feb 2007    Post subject:

She can f*ck! She can piss!
PostPosted: Sat 12:19, 04 Mar 2006    Post subject:

ok that was mean.
cRaZy JaKoB
PostPosted: Sun 21:01, 26 Feb 2006    Post subject:

life is mean to him, not me Cool

PostPosted: Sun 19:37, 26 Feb 2006    Post subject:


that is mean
PostPosted: Sat 21:20, 25 Feb 2006    Post subject:

cRaZy JaKoB
PostPosted: Sat 21:16, 25 Feb 2006    Post subject:

as fine as ur face
PostPosted: Sat 15:49, 25 Feb 2006    Post subject:

what are you saying my ass is quite fine
cRaZy JaKoB
PostPosted: Sun 9:37, 19 Feb 2006    Post subject:

ok sb says smth funny, dumb etc in school, outside, one of ur freinds

here is the place u can quote him
PostPosted: Sun 0:51, 19 Feb 2006    Post subject:

I dont get what this is about??
cRaZy JaKoB
PostPosted: Fri 21:01, 17 Feb 2006    Post subject:

freedom wrote:
look at my fine ass

mr.terzidis wrote:
shamki shmaki, be quoet please!!

etc etc
cRaZy JaKoB
PostPosted: Fri 21:00, 17 Feb 2006    Post subject: quotes | cycaty

quote funny phrases said by ur friends, teachers or whoever

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